
Items most recently added to the website include the latest meeting minutes and:
- Call to Action! Tell the Durham City Council to reject the Pickett Road development near Sandy Creek Park! Details here.
- Lights Out: Help Save Our Birds, Pollinators & Other Wildlife: dark skies resources from Lena Gallitano, January 13, 2025
- Habitat Survey of the Eastern Section of Hollow Rock Nature Park by Stephen Hall and Carol Tingley, December 3, 2024
- Breeding Bird Survey, New Hope Bottomlands, 2024 by Stephen Hall, et al.
- A Survey of the Big Shellbark Hickory, White-nymph, and Other Species Associated with Rich Alluvial Forest Habitats in the New Hope Floodplain of Durham County by Stephen Hall and Carol Tingley, October 1, 2023
- A Biodiversity Survey of the New Hope Creek Floodplain and Hollow Rock Nature Park in Durham County, North Carolina, by Stephen Hall, et al., December 31, 2022
- We learned about the Triangle Connectivity Collaborative, a group that has collected a great deal of information on
ecological conditions in the New Hope corridor, including on movement of wildlife and
on organisms heretofore not studied or where available information has not been put into
land use plans (e.g. moths, butterflies). Check out their website and see minutes of our April 25, 2024 meeting for more discussion.
- The Simple Gifts of Spring, Katie Early's lovely compilation of photos from her Spring 2020 walks, including at Hollow Rock Preserve
- Comments from the Committee to the Durham City Council on the proposed Baker Homes Sites development near Hollow Rock Nature Park.
- The Committee submitted comments on the Patterson Place development proposal, which would have affected Components 2, 4 and 5 of the New Hope Creek corridor. The proposal was rejected by the Durham Planning Commission on April 9, 2019. More information available on City of Durham website here.
Committee comments: Oct. 2018, Nov. 2018, Feb. 2019, April 2019 and May 2019.
- Opening of the Hollow Rock Nature Park on Erwin Road. Celebration planned for June 5, 2016.
- Appreciation and obituary for B.B. (Billy) Olive
- Notice of public meetings Nov. 12, 13, and 14 on the Durham-Orange Light Rail Transit project
- Our page on the History of New Hope Creek has been revitalized thanks to some new contributions by James Davis
- Obituary for Hildegard Ryals, former chair of the Committee
- Friends of Sandy Creek now has a Facebook page with a way to make a tax-deductible, online donation to Sandy Creek construction and programs.
- Information on the decision-making process for the light rail route from Durham to Chapel Hill.
- New post: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Regional Wetlands Concept Plan of August 1992. The New Hope Creek corridor is recognized there as an "Important Regional Wetland" (see page 194 of pdf).
- Photos from the Sandy Creek Bird and Butterfly Festival on March 19, 2011.
- A page on butterflies that can be seen in Sandy Creek Park and elsewhere along New Hope Creek.
- Trails page added to the site.
- The minutes of our latest meeting and announcement of our next one.
- Information on birding along New Hope Creek.
- A page tracking the progress of planning for the New Hope Preserve at Hollow Rock on Erwin Road.
- A page with updates on the planned Turkey Farm Road bridge renovation, where the committee is attempting to get NCDOT to plan a bridge that minimizes negatives impacts on the New Hope and its wildlife.
- Emily Weinstein's art book Saving Magic Places was published in December 2007. Among other topics, it chronicles the successful campaign to save 43 acres of the Hollow Rock Area from development in 2005.
- Our Classroom Resources and Creek History pages.
- Judy Martell's story "A Cool Drink of Water," which describes her journey from the small spring on her property down Mud Creek and New Hope Creek to Jordan Lake. Read about her adventure here.
- Tom Magnuson's history of Native Americans in the New Hope Bottoms, which helps you imagine what the creek was like during and before the colonial era.
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