
The Hollow Rock Master Plan Committee was established to plan and design future public facilities at the Hollow Rock Access Area, as envisioned in the New Hope Corridor Open Space Master Plan. The facililities -- scheduled to open in early 2016 -- will be established on a 75-acre portion of the larger New Hope Preserve, which extends further downstream from this portion of the river corridor.
Orange County web page on New Hope Preserve
Click here for links to news stories about the massive citizen campaign that preserved the land. Four local governments made the historic decision to work together to protect and preserve this area for the benefit of the New Hope Creek watershed and for the public use and enjoyment of this unique natural area.
The committee, which held its first meeting on September 18, 2007, is comprised of 11 members: four representatives appointed by Durham County, four by Orange County, two by Chapel Hill, and one by the City of Durham. Wendy Jacobs chairs the committee, representing both Durham County and the Erwin Area Neighborhood Group.
The mission of the committee is to provide advisory recommendations for the planning and use of the Hollow Rock area of the New Hope Creek Corridor. In September 2009, the committee issued its final proposal, which can be viewed here (51-page PDF). The staff from Durham County, Orange
County, City of Durham, and Town of Chapel Hill will present/discuss
this proposed master plan to their respective elected boards for their
consideration and approval. We hope to have a final master
plan (adopted by all four) sometime in the first quarter of 2010.
This page contains committee meeting minutes (with the most recent first), as well as links to publications and announcements of upcoming meetings. For more information, email Wendy Jacobs.
Also of interest: our page on the past and future of the Hollow Rock Store.
Proposed Master Plan: Hollow Rock Access Area to the New Hope Preserve (Final—9/23/09) (51-page PDF)
This is the Hollow Rock Master Plan Committee's final report. The document includes, starting on page 28, the September 18, 2007 background report: Hollow Rock Access Area at New Hope Creek: Opportunities and Constraints, prepared by Durham and Orange counties for use by the committee in planning and designing facilities for use by the public at Hollow Rock.
For information on a May 1, 2012 public meeting on the closure of Pickett Road to facilitate the development of the New Hope Preserve, click here.
To find out about future public meetings of the Hollow Rock Master Plan Committee, call Marabeth Carr at 919/960-3880. Past meetings have been held at the New Hope Improvement Association, 4012 Whitfield Road in Chapel Hill. For details on the Dec. 3, 2008 meeting and a map of the Hollow Rock Access Area, click here.
Committee Minutes
February 28, 2008
Thank you to all of you who came to the public input meeting of the Hollow Rock Access Area at New Hope Creek (aka New Hope Preserve) Master Plan Committee on February 28. Your ideas and suggestions are vital to the park planning committee.
There seems to be consensus about the major uses and facilities envisioned for the park which include; 1) the closing of the dirt part of Pickett Rd to through traffic (property owners along Pickett, Carolyn and Wade Penny submitted a letter to the committee stating their support for this effort) and its possible use for parking. 2) low impact uses such as hiking trails, a nature trail, a stroller/wheelchair accessible trail, 3) incorporation of the historic/cultural significance of the area through interpretative signage, original Hollow Rock Store and creation of a New Hope Creek museum/information area, 3) use of the open field for play and events, 4) availability of sheltered structure such as existing horse barn for picnic tables and on site educational/art instruction, 4) safe and accessible bike and pedestrian access for surrounding neighborhoods and schools.
An exciting new idea suggested was a bird watching platform. Probably the most unique suggestion was the request for a steam powered chain saw with a whistle! (If anyone has access to one of those, please let me know!)
The master plan committee will move on to the planning and design stages. When we have a draft of the master plan we will hold another meeting asking for public input so please stay tuned.
PLEASE MARK YOUR CALENDAR FOR TUESDAY, APRIL 8, 5:00 PM DURHAM COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CHAMBERS FOR THE COMMEMORATION AND CELEBRATION OF THE CREATION OF NEW HOPE PRESERVE. Durham County will be finalizing the purchase of the 44 acre Duke Tract from Duke University. Please come and witness and celebrate this momentous occasion. Second to the Clean Water Management Trust Fund grant, Erwin Area Neighborhood Group is the single biggest contributor to this land purchase having raised more than $200,000 toward this effort!
Thanks to all of you the creation of New Hope Preserve will become a final reality on April 8, 2008. Please come to support Durham County’s purchase of this land from Duke University and be a part of this important event!
Wendy Jacobs, Erwin Area Neighborhood Group
February 21, 2008, meeting of Erwin Area Neighborhood Group
Many suggestions/ideas were generated by neighbors at last Thursday's EANG
meeting. A brief summary is below:
-Close Pickett Rd. to through traffic
-have park traffic enter through Erwin Rd
-have access to park via Erwin blocked off, park access via Randolph and
paved Pickett
-use one side of Pickett for parking
-make sure it is not just a neighborhood park, include kids, folks from all
over in building the trails
-create turn around area on dirt part of Pickett for cars/buses. Mark this
area with no parking signs
-low impact activities
-as policy, maintain natural scenic condition as much as possible
-citizens can make utilization of original Hollow Rock store in park
-establish oversight committee to oversee completion of park and address
ongoing concerns
-keep park somewhat wild
-provide walking access into park from Randolph
-collect and preserve history of area
-preserve Hollow Rock store
-provide bike/ped access to park from surrounding neighborhoods (this will
cut down on need for parking)
-as much as possible follow present trails and historic roads
-incorporate store into plans for park
-involve local boys scouts to work on trails, shelter, signs
-ensure composting and animal waste areas for picnickers
-use TLC house as a museum of the area
-keep pets leashed and post signs
-keep consistency with Duke Forest rules
-mark historic trails/roads/paths
-label trees/nature trail/interpretative nature info
-create Friends of the Hollow Rock Store to raise funds to move, restore,
maintain the building: create CD with stories of people from the Hollow Rock
area, involve the community: Mt. Moriah Church, Mt, Sinai Church, UNC
Folklife Center, Center for Documentary Studies.
-educational sign explaining importance of staying on trail/not picking
flowers, etc.
-create handicapped accessible trail
-create direct trail to field area
-use field for events/picnicking
-use TLC horse barn as covered picnic area
-move Hollow Rock store to field
-have regular community clean ups of trails/Pickett road/stop dumping
-have well marked trails that will limit disturbance of the wildlife
-picnic shelter in field
-access to field by trail only to discourage too much use
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